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Generative AI

Unlock Industry Potential with Generative AI Solutions

Our Generative AI services transcend industry boundaries, delivering transformative solutions tailored to unique business challenges. Explore how Gen AI can reimagine operations across various sectors.
Empower your business with Gen AI Featured Industries
  • Efficient Route Planning and Optimization
  • Freight and Inventory Management
  • Customer Experience Enhancement
  • Traffic Management and Congestion Prediction
  • Safety and Compliance Monitoring
  • Healthcare Ops AI agent
  • AI-Assisted Diagnosis and Decision Support Systems
  • Enhanced Patient Experience
  • Medical Imaging Analysis
  • Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Improved Claims Management
  • Sentiment Analysis 
  • 24/7 AI Chatbot Assistance
  • Personalized Product Recommendations
  • Inventory Management
  • Customer Insights and Sentiment Analysis
  • Streamlined Supply Chain Operations 
Gen AI Featured Industries

How we do it

Discover Products & Platforms with Gen AI

1. Products

  • Personalization at scale
  • Data Augmentation with Chatbots
  • Predictive Analytics

2. Platforms

  • Salesforce Einstein AI
  • Tableau business science
  • SAP AI

3. Software Engineering

  • Gen AI-assisted Agile Software Development

  • No Code/ No Code Development

  • Development with Gen AI-based

What we do

Boosting Productivity Across Organizational Layers

Managers, Legal & HR

  • HR and Talent Management
  • Performance Evaluation

  • Workflow Automation

Customer Support and Service

  • 24/7 AI-powered Assistants
  • Automated Ticketing

  • Customer Feedback Analysis


  • Strategic Decision Support
  • Predictive Analysis

  • Automated Reporting

OUR Flagship Product

Harry - An Enterprise Knowledge Management Agent

Your instant access to catalogs, policies, and procedures.


Enquiries and Procedure Information


Compliance and Risk Management


Employee Productivity 

Discover Addo’s Smart Assistants


IntelliBot redefines customer service and experience with its Gen AI integration, cloud-agnostic platform, industry-flexible approach, and customizable features. This cutting-edge solution empowers businesses to optimize customer interactions, regardless of industry or cloud preference, resulting in enhanced satisfaction and efficiency.


EmoGen is reshaping sentiment analytics across healthcare and beyond. With Gen AI at its core, it offers versatility in cloud usage and industry application, while remaining fully customizable to individual needs. This innovative solution empowers organizations to swiftly decipher customer sentiment, enhancing service delivery and boosting satisfaction levels.

Case Studies


Our Best-in-class Technology Stack for Generative AI

Data Tools

Fine-tune base models with your enterprise data.


Deploy applications using API endpoints, built-in monitoring, and continuous improvement.


Transform your business with Gen AI applications that are directly integrated with your models and enterprise data sources.

Models and Hubs

Compare, test, and deploy foundation models from

Proprietary Models

Our expertise in leveraging advanced proprietary AI models, such as

Open Source Models

We excel in utilizing and customizing open-source AI models, including

Our Clients

Trusted by the Global Leading Corporations

Explore How Generative AI Can Accelerate Your Business Growth!

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