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Salesforce Application Customization for a Large Healthcare Network​

The Challenge

A healthcare provider who upgraded its legacy system to Salesforce’s Health Cloud, wanted to add customized features to their application, validate the data mapping of imported data, and integrate it with other Salesforce products like Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud.​​

The Solution

Our team of Salesforce development experts helped the provider enhance their existing Salesforce solution by integrating and customizing Health Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Sales Cloud. We added new features and customizations, validated data mapping of migrated data, added event monitoring capabilities. ​

Additionally, we assisted the client with developing marketing campaigns in the Marketing Cloud. Our solutions helped the provider improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency.​

The Results

  • Seamless business operations
  • Integrations
  • Optimization and boasted results in Sales
  • Marketing
  • Health Customer satisfaction


  • Custom integrations
  • Sales Cloud
  • Marketing Cloud
  • Experience Cloud
  • Workflows development
  • Process optimisations


  • Apex
  • Lightning Web Component
  • Marketing Cloud
  • Health Cloud
  • Sales Cloud
  • Experience Cloud​

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    Impact by the NUMBERS

    High satisfaction​

    Business user’s and customers are highly satisfied with 4.9+ rating​

    Achieving SLAs​

    Seamless business operations, integrations, optimization and boasted results in Sales, Marketing and Health Customer satisfaction​

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